Dia’s Dreamland is an ongoing series in which I break down my current obsessions. Here you can find everything from brands to muses to songs I have on repeat—a general brain dump of what’s got my juices flowing at that moment in time.
Jen Ceballos of @endlesslyloveclub – Her minimalist style reflects in her barely edited Instagram feed
Big Wild, Superdream
Big Wild released his debut album, Superdream on February 1st. A devout fan for a few years, I’ve had this masterpiece on repeat for three weeks straight. The 41-minute project refines the eclectic, dreamy, instrument-heavy production that made us fall in love with Jackson Stell when he first arrived on the scene, now driven by gorgeous vocals. Stand-Out Tracks: 6’s to 9’s; No Words; Alley-Oop (which all conveniently come one after the other.)

Gluten Freedom
After a lengthy battle with digestive issues, brain fog, bloat, and more, I did some self-testing that rendered me gluten-free as of two-ish weeks ago. Much to my surprise, this lifestyle has been easy as pie and incredibly rewarding. I feel and look better than I have in months.

The Ordinary
I recently discovered affordable, clean skincare line, The Ordinary (sold via Sephora.com). I’ve been using the Granactive Retinoid 2% Emulsion and Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5 serums for two weeks, and my skin is thanking me with an even glow.

Playing Tennis
Historically speaking, I am not an athletic person. I run and (sometimes) lift 4-6 days a week, but you can usually count me out of anything that involves a ball. I do, however, enjoy exercise that’s also fun, like hiking and climbing. So on a whim, I purchased a tennis racket to play with my boyfriend, and found I absolutely love it. He even called me a natural and “not just to make me feel good,” which I’ll be riding high on for a while.

Minimalist Instagrams
I’ve always gravitated toward more organic, iPhone-shot content (see my last post). But I’m even finding my own Instagram over-edited + too contrived compared to what I’m digging lately. Emily Oberg is a pioneer of this IG aesthetic, and thousands of others have adopted it with much success. There’s a reason so many influencers’ main audience includes mostly… other influencers. People are outgrowing forced content. They want to see what you wear, do, and eat, unfiltered. Three of my current favorites are @summer.dawn, @simansays and @endlesslyloveclub. I’ve been thinking of making the switch myself, as it supports less planning, effortless content building, and therefore more activity!