Daily Drip

Eating: Trader Joe’s Veggie Masala Burger over French green beans with a blob of plain skyr for dipping. Lil turmeric sprinkle. Thank me later!

Listening: “Last to Leave” by Louis The Child ft. Caroline Ailin. This metaphor for a relationship isn’t particularly original, but the delivery is perfect (and relatable) IMO.

Thinking: I have my second (both this week and in my entire life) hip-hop dance class tonight and I am nervous. How did I get here, you definitely-aren’t-wondering-but-I’m-going-to-tell-you-anyway? I had dinner with my friend Claire at Metropolitan Pizza Tuesday night. (Side note: highly recommend. Great pizza, BYO, and you allegedly get a free glass of wine with your pizza on Wednesdays.) She was heading to a dance class afterward and I was going to hit the trail for a run. Instead, I popped into Koresh with her and bought three classes for $30. Before I knew it, I was facing my awkward, running-gear-clad body in a room-length mirror as I tried to keep up with foreign choreography to Post Malone’s Wow. “Everyone’s so good. Why am I so bad?” I lamented for an hour and a half. I had flashbacks to my long arms’ conspicuousness in cheerleading routines, somehow stiff and double-jointed-looking, yet simultaneously noodly and reckless. Nonetheless, I’m getting back on my horse for round two. Life is but a series of creative embarrassments.