Drinking: Venti hot latte with soy milk, half decaf.
Listening: Coffee Break Italian podcast. This is a useful resource if you can get past the one teacher’s Scottish accent.
Feeling: Exceptionally chipper the last few days. I’ve been following a nightly supplement regimen for a week and a half (just a probiotic and calcium/magnesium/zinc) and I’ve seen a huge improvement in sleep, energy, and mood. I was a regular kombucha drinker, but I’ve noticed whenever I take probiotic supplements daily, the effects are stronger.
Thinking: I had a great dinner with my dad Monday night at Parc. He comes into the city a lot for work and we’ll usually grab a bite. I often find myself aloof and detached across the table from him as our conversations center on his work complaints or my sister’s death. But Monday was different. We were in great spirits, laughing and enjoying duck, steak, and a red Bordeaux. A good meal in the right atmosphere is the best relational tonic. Our connection literally restored with each bite.