Daily Drip

It’s been a minute, folks. I know you’re all burning with curiosity to learn the minutiae of my days, but frankly, I just haven’t felt like writing. At all. Funny how the simplest exercise I developed to literally keep me in the habit of writing daily gets pushed aside.

Blogging has been a complex journey for me. I used to crank out a post every week, but I was also covering fashion, travel, restaurants, and more. Since I’ve pivoted to more life stuff, I’ve written a lot less because I care more about the pieces. I might go back to covering some of that stuff, though, because it’s just fun. And this is supposed to be fun. And I want to have all the fun.

Eating: Shrimp pad Thai. I tend to crave pad Thai when I’m hungover. This isn’t an admission, though. I refuse to own up to a hangover after a night of drinking wine because I’ve convinced everyone (including myself) that wine is my nectar and I can drink an infinite amount without sustaining a hangover. We stan a delusional queen, no?

Drinking: A big ass bottle of unflavored club soda that’s been sitting in my fridge since I last had people over. The water at my apartment has been tasting awful and I’m actually scared to drink it right now, which really trips up my daily ~100 ounces.

Feeling: Capital T Tired. Much like everyone in my family, I’m very insomnia prone. I also physically cannot nap (which is probably quite mental at this point since I’ve taken such a definitive stance on my ability). I take specific measures to work against all of this, but it still rears its ugly head regularly. I’m thinking about seeing a sleep specialist, getting a new mattress, and just generally going hard on working toward a consistent 8 hours.

Thinking: About sex and dating. That area of my life has been interesting, especially because I’ve had some recent horror stories. I’m always reluctant to share those details on here because I don’t want to disrespect people, even when they’ve disrespected me with artistic finesse. But the exciting thing is that TOMORROW Riliegh and I’s collab post will go LIVE on both of our blogs. I’m so thrilled to have worked with Philly’s baddest bitch on something so personal and current. I hope readers enjoy!

Listening: “dothatshit!” by Playboi Carti. Carti’s in heavy rotation as I wait (im)patiently for his new album. Lest you forget, my album review of Die Lit is my most viewed blog post. That SEO poppedt.

Currently Inspired By: Elevated neutrals. I’ve always gravitated toward colorful looks, but I’m really digging the way I feel in neutrals lately. I blame Instagram because my algorithm pulls tons of fantastic neutral outfit inspo. I love girls like Matilda Djerf for that.