Drinking: A lime La Croix. And I might go for my third tonight because who gon’ stop me?
Listening: “The Rain Song” by Led Zeppelin. I actually listened to nothing but Zeppelin on my 3-hour trek back to Philadelphia today and it felt like like a hot stone massage for my soul. I love being reminded that I have their lyrics on my arm.
Thinking: About fingernails. There’s something really raw and beautiful to me about the way nail care/aesthetic manifests in different cultures. Our hands can be such an overlooked part of intimacy. I’ve been thinking about returning to my long, pointy acrylic claws, as they make me feel myself.
Feeling: Thankful for my blog where I can just shout into the void about my feelings knowing like six people read this. Ok, more like ~600 a month, but that’s basically six in internet vastness. Last night someone questioned whether I was a truly romantic person because I “seem so independent.” I was taken aback because I openly love love and share lots of art/writing devoted to it. Nonetheless, I am realizing lately that I struggle with vulnerability if it’s not shown to me first. When I think my feelings are in good hands, I am as expressive in person as I am on paper.
Wanting: White sweatpants. As basic as they come. I already own an over-sized white crew neck and have a vision for a full white sweatsuit. I often dress according to visions on some That’s So Raven shit.