Drinking: Honey lavender tea with lemon.
Doing: Jade rolling my face. I keep mine in the freezer and I swear, my jaw line goes down an inch. Lymphatic drainage is real and I also probably need to eat less sodium.
Listening: Ashley Graham’s podcast, Pretty Big Deal episode with Emily Ratajkowski. EmRata is one of my favorites, both for her tenacity toward building her brand, Inamorata, and for her voice in feminism, which consistently empowers women to lean into historically shamed parts of their identity, like beauty and sexuality. I’ve always had a complex relationship with sexiness—one that finally feels unshakable in a society that’s generally committed to not taking you seriously when you embrace it.
Thinking: About thinking! Which is actually what my next piece tackles: thinking in the context of work, love, art, etc. and how I’ve found deeper meaning and satisfaction when I’m thinking less.
Feeling: Feverish. For the fourth day straight, and for the second time in a month being sick. This is weird because I hadn’t gotten sick in ages, but also not weird because I work in an elementary school. I’m hoping it passes so I can enjoy the holiday and a show I’m trying to catch in Philly on Friday. Major shout out to my friend Alex who surprised me with cookies and chicken noodle soup today. That’s some true love.
Eating: Blueberries.