Drinking: Iced half-caf quad espresso with cream.
Eating: Blue corn chips and salsa and dark chocolate with sea salt.
Listening: “Rare” by Selena Gomez. I’ve always been against Selena’s singing career, but this album’s got bops.
Doing: Cleaning my apartment. Working. Trying to devise a writing schedule for the next few months.
Feeling: In need of structure (see above). This week it clicked hard for me that we’re almost two full months through 2020. I have SO much I want to do, and when left to my own devices, I fuck around and waste time. Regimenting myself is the only way. If you have effective methods or tools for time blocking/productivity, please shoot me an email or DM!
Grateful For: The expansive group of beautiful psychos I call friends. My heart was so full at happy hour yesterday making plans with each other and our long distance friends. Friendship is my #1 priority and I’m grateful to do life with people who feel similarly.