Daily Drip

Drinking: Coffee with cream. I’m trying to reduce my coffee expenses (more on that soon), so I’ve stooped to the free k-cup selection in the faculty/staff kitchen at work. *cries in peasantry*

Eating: Chocolate chip cookies my boyfriend so cleverly snuck into my bag this morning before work. I got my period six days early and have tunnel vision for sugar.

Listening: “I Know The Truth” by Pretty Lights. I’ve been listening to a lot of Bassnectar and Pretty Lights lately, reminding me of when I attended their joint 2-day show, Basslights in December 2015. That was the last time I saw my dear friend Joel who was killed in an accident in Colorado in 2017. He was one of the freest souls you could dream of meeting. Just recounting Joel’s dedication to art and his relationships inspires me to be more present in this moment.

Doing: Bantering about the Coronavirus with my coworkers.

Feeling: Great. I was emotionally erratic the past few days, and now that I got my period (all physical pain aside) I feel much more even keel. We love Menstrual Talk at broke but moisturized HQ.

Working On: Wrapping up some unfinished pieces for the blog and manuscript. Is it just me or does every writer have a Google Docs purgatory where half-written essays await their fate?

Wanting: EVERYTHING from Heavy Manners NY. Lisa Caprio, 1/2 of the now dissolved Rosemilk (whose other half I wrote about in a previous Daily Drip), embarked on a new brand that is essentially the realization of all my vintage-inspired sartorial fantasies. Lots of links for your viewing pleasure.