Eating: An Italian sub. Andrew and I just had an absolute tiff over my desire to add mayo to the sandwich. He argues that it “disrupts the craftsmanship,” and I argue that mayo is integral to the Italian sub experience.
Working On: Tomorrow’s post, which is another sex + dating collab with my mega babe blogger friend, Riliegh. We’ll be answering questions about crazy exes, quarantining, and more, so stay tuned.
Feeling: On the up. I’m an advocate of keeping it real (especially online, and especially about women’s health), so here’s a good opportunity to do so: I have a yeast infection! Don’t know what that is? Educate yourself, pleb. I’m blaming it on my recent dip in probiotics, over-consumption of sugar, or experimentation with lube.
Wanting: Strappy sandals in a fun color. I just ordered these, which should be a nice pop with a neutral outfit.
Just Watched: The Joe Rogan Experience with Matthew Walker, a renowned neuroscience sleep specialist. It takes a lot for me to say something is worth a 2-hour YouTube commitment, but this blew my mind. I’m tempted to do a short post about it with my favorite takeaways.